Tierkloof Simmentaler Veiling
Auction type: Cattle | Simmentaler
Location: Daniëlsrus | Reitz
40 Simmentalers on Offer:
- 16 Bulls
- 19 Pregnant Cows
- 5 Commercial Heifers
Die veiling is onder beskerming van die Simmentaler Genootskap / The auction is under the auspices of the Simmentaler Society
- A) Van Bethlehem 30km op R26 na Reitz. Draai regs na Daniëlsrus. Veilingskrale net na VKB Handelstak.
- B) Van Reitz 27km op R26 na Bethlehem. Draai links na Daniëlsrus. Veilingskrale net na VKB Handelstak.
- A) From Bethlehem 30km on R26 to Reitz. Turn right to Daniëlsrus. Auction beads just past VKB Branch.
- B) From Reitz 27km on R26 to Bethlehem. Turn left to Daniëlsrus. Auction beads just past VKB Branch.
GPS: 28°01’00.7″S 28°23’04.8″E
Clive Gardner Auctioneers 018 290 9610
Hendrik Nel 082 491 8289
Corné de Jager 082 920 2998 (Seller)
Dandré Nel 076 503 7900
Theuns Visser 082 338 1356
Fred Dell 082 926 0716