018 2905120 cga@lantic.net

Noord-Wes Simmentaler Veiling

Date: Thu 5 Nov 2015 at 11:00

Auction Date: Thu 5 Nov 2015 at 11:00

Auction type: Cattle | Simmentaler

Location: Lichtenburg

Namens: Boswald, Taaibosspruit, Dorsim, Simberg, De Vil & Wellaway Simmentalers


20 Bulle o.a Top stoet bulle

60 Vroulike Diere


2km from Lichtenburg on the Koster road.  Showground on the right.


Clive Gardner Afslaers: 082 491 8289

Tielman v/d Walt (Boswald): 083 274 5455

Pieter Oelofse (Taaibosspruit): 079 275 9695

Andries Wiid (Dorsim): 082 923 1308

Jamie Berger (Simberg): 084 410 3703

Hennie de Villiers (De Vil): 083 655 7317

Marius Nel (Wellaway Simmentalers): 083 983 7280