867ha Kroonstad Beesplase (3 plase)
Auction type: Cattle Farm | Farms | Game Farm
Cyferfontein 378ha, De Rust 299ha & Groenvlei 189ha
Prag beesplase met goeie vleiweiding, rooigras, hoë drakrag en bos. Beskutte winter weiding. Verdeel in 16 kampe. 6 Sementdamme
& 5 Windpompe. Beeshanteringsgeriewe. Cyferfontein voorheen 110ha lande gehad. 55ha Wildskamp toegespan met 3m hoë wildsheining.
2km from Ultra City at Kroonstad on the Heilbron road, turn left on the Koppies road for 22km. Turn right at Heuningspruit Silos on the Edenville gravel road for 13km. Turn right and drive for 2.5km. Follow indicators. GPS: S27 ̊31’ 51.901” E27 ̊30’50.921”
5% Deposito plus 7% Afslaerskommissie en Waarborge binne 60 dae.
Clive Gardner Afslaers: 018 290 9610
Hendrik Nel: 082 491 8289