018 2905120 cga@lantic.net

758ha Bela Bela Wildsplase (521ha & 236ha)

Date: Fri. 11 Oct 2019 at 11:00

Auction Date: Fri. 11 Oct 2019 at 11:00

Location: Bela Bela

Beautiful farms with very good grazing, a high carrying capacity and beautiful views!

9 Teelkampe elk met sy eie passiewe vangkraal.  Die hele plaas is gedeeltelik ontbos om drakrag te verbeter.

1 Large grounddam, 3 smaller gound dams & 8 equipped boreholes (range 3000l – 25 000l per hour).

Wildwerend omhein.  4 Somerspruite deurkruis die plaas.  Wild o.a Koedoes, Waterbokke & Rooibokke.

4 Bedroom mainhouse with 5 guestrooms and a 4 bedroom managershouse.  4 Sheds.


Ry 35km wes van Warmbad op Koedoeskop pad (R516).  Draai links op pad na Radium.  Plaas se ingang is 1.2km aan die regterkant.


5% Deposit plus 3.5% Auctioneers Commission and Guarantees within 60 days.


Clive Gardner Afslaers 018 290 9610

Hendrik Nel 082 491 8289

Dandré Nel 076 503 7900