6333m² Potch Industriële Gebou / die Beste Industriële Gebou in Potch gaan op Veiling
Auction type: Buildings | Industrial | Residential
Location: Potchefstroom
The 6333m² building consists of the following:
- Industrial / Warehouse space – 6091.75 m²
- Residential space – 241.75 m²
Land size – 11 517 m²
This is a very neat double storey industrial building with 3 seperate entrances making it possible for 3 different businesses to rent there.
There was previously a cookie factory which employed 350 people.
Building is currently empty, but previously had a good rental income. Very well situated in Potch Industria.
Viewing: Monday 16 April 2018 from 15:00 – 16:00
Address: 20 Elsenbroek Street, Potch Industria
GPS: S26 °42’49.86 ” O27°4’32.268 ”
5% Deposito plus 7% Afslaerskommissie en Waarborge binne 60 dae.
Clive Gardner Auctioneers: 018 290 9610
Hendrik Nel: 082 491 8289